Thursday, December 6, 2007

Alcoholism treatment

A rough estimate that many medical experts
can agree upon is that as many as two in ten
people in different countries around the
world may be afflicted with alcoholism.
This rate however, varies to some degree
from one country to another. When it comes
to treating alcoholism, many experts agree
that the best type of recovery from alcoholism
are alcoholism rehab programs like for example
the inpatient program. But this is only one
example of one among many alcoholism treatments
which has proven to wo
Although the best kind of 'treatment'
always will be prevention of alcoholism,
people with alcohol problems can be helped;
even chronic alcoholism can be treated
successfully. There are many 'schools'
representing different philosophies
regarding how to cure alcoholism and
which methods to apply. No matter which
'school' we are talking about, treating
alcohol problems contain three main
elements that have to be dealt with in
one way or another;
1.the alcohol addicted person must stop to drink
2.they must be treated for other diseases
alcohol abuse might have caused, including
getting rid of the poison contained in their
body or de-toxication as somebody call it.
3.the alcohol addict must be involved in a
long term treatment that make them feel satisfied
living a life without alcohol abuse, and prevent
them to fall into the alcoholism trap again.

Monday, December 3, 2007

useful link


its a cronical disorder characterised by its a chronic
disordercharacterized by compulsive, repeated, and
excessive consumption of alcohol. Alcoholism is also
chronic, progressive, relapsing brain disease with genetic,
psychological, and environmental factors influencing
its development and manifestations. Alcohol abuse and
alcohol dependence is a very big problem nowdays.
Alcohol remains the number one drug problem in the
Individuals often hide their drinking or deny that
the fact that they have a problem. Signs of a possible
alcoholism include having friends or relatives express
concern, being irritated when people comment on their
drinking, feeling guilty about their excessive alcohol
consumption and thinking that they should moderate it
but finds themselves unable to do so, or needs a morning
drink to steady their nerves or relieve a hangover.
Alcoholism signs can also include: lying about the
amount consumed, irritability when alcohol is not
available, mood swings, loss of appetite, a puffiness
of the face, job loss and a high number of accidents
or traffic tickets.